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Russians Invest Billions in Dubai Property After Ukraine Invasion
24th May 2024  

Dubai, United Arab Emirates  - A recent investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and media partners has exposed a surge in Russian property investment in Dubai following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Leaked records reveal a tenfold increase, with Russians snapping up an estimated $6.3 billion worth of residential property in the Emirate.

Surge in Investment Post-Invasion

The report, co-authored by economists from the EU Tax Observatory and Norway's Centre for Tax Research, analyses property records from 2020 to 2024. It highlights a dramatic rise in Russian investment, particularly after the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

We estimate that the amount of Russian money flowing into Dubai real estate has increased more than tenfold following the invasion,” said Matthew Collin, senior researcher at the EU Tax Observatory. “This illustrates how the city became a prime destination for elite Russians evading sanctions or escaping the war itself.

Breakdown of Investments

The leaked data offers a detailed breakdown of Russian purchases. Of the $6.3 billion invested:

  • $2.4 billion went towards existing properties.
  • $3.9 billion was invested in properties under development.

This suggests a long-term strategy by Russian investors, seeking not just immediate shelter but also potential future returns.

High-Profile Names Among Buyers

The investigation uncovered property acquisitions by prominent Russian figures, including:

  • Politicians: Key players in Russian politics were identified as property owners.
  • Business People: Individuals from the Russian business world were also found to have invested in Dubai real estate.
  • Anna Chapman: The notorious Russian spy, Anna Chapman, reportedly purchased an apartment in Dubai for $566,000 in early 2022.

Concerns Over Potential Sanctions Evasion

The report raises concerns that Dubai's property market could be a haven for sanctioned individuals and entities. The use of multiple citizenships by some Russian owners further amplifies these concerns.

Further Investigation Needed

The investigation by ICIJ and its partners underscores the need for stricter transparency and scrutiny in the Dubai property market. This will help ensure the Emirate does not become a facilitator for sanctions evasion by individuals or entities linked to the Russian government.


Q. How much property did Russians buy in Dubai after the Ukraine invasion?

A. Reports estimate Russians invested a staggering $6.3 billion in Dubai real estate following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Q. What types of properties did Russians invest in?

A. The leaked data shows Russians purchased both existing properties (around $2.4 billion) and properties still under development ($3.9 billion). This suggests a mix of immediate needs and potential future returns.

Q. Who are some of the high-profile Russians buying property in Dubai?

A. The investigation revealed involvement from various figures, including Russian politicians, business people, and even the infamous spy Anna Chapman.

Q. Are there concerns about sanctions evasion?

A. Yes, the report raises concerns that Dubai's property market might be used by sanctioned individuals or entities to circumvent sanctions. The use of multiple citizenships by some Russian buyers adds to these worries.

Q. What does this mean for the Dubai property market?

A. The influx of Russian investment has undoubtedly boosted Dubai's real estate market. However, it also raises questions about transparency and potential misuse of the market.

Q. What further steps might be taken?

A. The investigation by ICIJ and its partners highlights the need for stricter regulations and increased transparency in Dubai's property market. This will help ensure it doesn't become a haven for those seeking to avoid sanctions.

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